Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Great Writing Challenge!

Today I came across this amazing challenge at Books, Writing, and More, Oh My!! that I am going to try really hard to complete, though I might tweak it a little for me. I really like the idea of writing a page a day, though I might make it so that I write 7 pages a week so that I can write however many in one day that I want. Still, that will give me the 56 pages in total at the end of the challenge… if I can keep it up.

I have been meaning to completely re-write one of my FictionPress stories from so long ago… seriously I think that it’s been 10 years. It’s still up there and is utterly embarrassing but I still like the idea and I really want to make it better. Even if I only end up doing writing exercises or my blog posts, I think that 56 pages will be an incredible achievement.

If you’re interested in the challenge, you can sign up through the link above. Listed below are the goals, rules, and other general information. Even if you’re not interested, go on over and check it out. I bet that it will wield a lot of great stuff!

Goal: 1 page(or more) of written, typed, typed with double spacing, and any other type as long as it is one page! It can be font 87 if that really pleases you as long as it is a page! That means the word count could go from a minimum of about 1 to however long!

Time Span: Starts May 6th (That gives anybody who wants to join, and me some time to find inspiration and finish an outline) and ends June 30th; which is 56 days which translates over to 56 pages of writing. I know it’s not a lot but I need to put some persistency in my writing goal.

Why: It seems like a VERY reasonable/reachable goal that can be easily reached. Also when I feel lazy I can just type up my work than double space it. Also I think some days I will barley reach a page while others I will do more than I need, so hopefully I have more than 56 pages.

What you need to do: If you want to participate blog about this challenge then link back so anybody participating knows who you are.

Good luck to everyone who participates!

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