Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wish List Wednesday - Number Twenty-Six

So, though I haven't read Nightshade by Andrea Cremer yet - it is sitting on my bookshelf patiently waiting to be opened, so there's hope yet - I find myself desperately wanting to have in my posession the next books in the series.

Luckily, Wolfsbane is slated for a 2011 release with Bloodrose to follow the next year. So even though I'll have to wait just over a year (or so) to have all three, at least there are going to be following books. Also, there's the novella Shadow Days

It's hard to believe that with Nightshade being a debut, this author has already gained enough acclain to have two other books slated, plus a novella, plus a brand new series set for a 2011 release. That's just amazing if you ask me.

Plus, she has an amazing visual team behind her because her covers are gorgeous and original. At least, I haven't seen any similar. Let me know if I'm wrong on that.


Anonymous said...

I haven't even been able get hold of a copy of this yet. It's very popular. Hope you enjoy it.

Tammy (The Book Fairy's Haven) said...

I haven't even read Nightshade yet, but I am completely in love with this cover. I really and truly need to get around to reading Nightshade - but I will be adding this also to my TBR pile!