Monday, March 30, 2015

Friendly Reminder & Update!

Hello fellow book readers!!

I realized that it's been almost a year since I've updated here - and for that I'm sorry. However, between moving, building a house, and starting my job at a new location the year just kind of faded away. I ALSO started doing all this bloggish stuff almost strictly on YouTube.

There needs to be an option to just automatically cross-reference all the things...

All my reviews and other book awesomeness videos have been posting over there every Tuesday and Friday(ish) since the new year and they were semi-regular before that when I was able.

I WAS without internet all summer/fall, so there's a huge gap between the move into the new house and the time that Internet was finally installed. Let's just say it was one day more and I would have been rocking in the corner from the withdrawal.

So, the whole point of this post - have you checked out my Official YouTube page? If not, come find me as MsLadyCritic. For some reason, someone who doesn't even do the Tube took the name TheLadyCritic... so I had to improvise.

Stay tuned there for the Month of May where I'm planning on having a video EVERY DAY!!  Subsequently, this is going to be titled Every Day in May... for obvious reasons. I already have most of the month planned out and some of the videos filmed already!

Also, let me know if you're planning on going to Book Expo America this year! I finally got the go-ahead from work and have my BloggerCon and BEA pass and my plane ticket booked! I'm really excited to be going again this year and I can't wait to see all the bookish friends I don't see on the regular!!!!!