Monday, March 29, 2010

Movie Monday - High School Multiples


First Released: March 31, 1989

Written by: Daniel Waters

Directed by: Michael Lehman

Rating: R

Summary: Veronica mingles with Heather I, II and III to be as popular as them, even though she hates them. She hates them enough to wish they were dead, but she would never want to be their cause of death though. When she starts dating Jason Dean, however, she finds herself involved in the murdering of most of her enemies, covered up as suicides.

In trying to decide on a movie to review, I thought that I would go with a favourite. Of course, narrowing down a favourite is something too hard to do, so I went with one that’s a little obscure.

What can I say about this movie? Well, it’s a black comedy – decidedly morbid yet funny – and it’s somewhat of a cult classic with a great score on Rotten Tomatoes. It was a movie that an old roommate of mine introduced me to in university and I was hooked from the first time that I saw it. Then again, Christian Slater is in it and he was quite good looking when he was younger, so that might be a little biased.

Still, this is a movie that has something to appeal to just about everyone of a certain age: Read – no youngsters need apply. It has a great ensemble cast, including a young Shannen Doherty, with Winona Ryder and a few other semi-big ‘80s teen movie stars. It also has some amazing one-liners that have you laughing for ages after.

The plot is simple; we all want to kill our friends at times (metaphorically), but what happens if that exact thing accidentally happens? It also deals with the rise and fall of high school popularity, the ‘mean girl syndrome’, and first romances.

Still, for its simplicity and dark humour, I love this movie and watch it periodically. For that, I’m giving it a 9/10 and I honestly think that people should see it at least once in their life. If anything, it’ll make you laugh.

Summary taken from the International Movie Database.

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